Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Korean/American BBQ

Korean Culture Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand - Mar 13, 2009

Jim goes often to the Korean Culture Center to swap ideas wth the Director, use wifi and, recently, to teach a Korean student English who he meets three times a week for six hours.

He writes:
Thursday, I asked the Director of KCC, Hoon, about using the large Char Broil gas grill. He said sure and then suggested the next day at 12:30. I just wanted to use it to cook a meal for myself, but he had other [bigger] plans and it turned into a big deal. He marked on a board in the office: Friday, James "American BBQ style" show 12:30PM. He jokingly remarked it would be a cooking class. That night, I biked to a market, bought a hunk of pork, some boneless chicken, and a few potatoes. Then took the meat to KCC, stored it in their fridge with marinade. On Fri, after my tutoring session, I headed for the kitchen. The staff joined forces with me to put out an American/Korean feast. While I was grilling, Hoon made sure his cook was watching over my shoulder. We had a party of twelve, including Hoon, his staff, his wife, Suk, Hoon's mother, my Korean student, Sun, and me. Besides potatoes and grilled meat, we had stir fried veggies, a special Korean soup, fresh lettuce, kimchi, and some Korean condiments.