Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Liam's Suan Dok Mai

Plus Jim's Japanese Film Debut

Jim and I took a bike ride several miles outside of town last week and discovered SuanDokMai, a lovely, quiet, quite expensive GuestHouse, run by a Belgian family serving genuine Belgian food - about which, other than waffles, we are still clueless. We were invited to come out anytime to swim or just hang out for the day with no obligation to have a meal there. The GH has only been open a few months with few guests yet - it's a bit isolated and I think the family is looking for some activity out there.

I soon emailed them that a friend (Trudi) and I wanted to come out on the next Sunday for a swim and lunch and they said, "Great - but how about coming out Saturday also to be in a promo (not porno) film that is being made that day?" We said sure, so Jim and I biked out there again and ate some complimentary Belgian waffles for the benefit of the film crew. This could be our big film comeback (after the disastrous Alexander) - especially since Jim was also asked to be an extra in a new Japanese movie, The Pool, in which a few scenes were being shot the next day at the Chiang Mai airport. So for five hours of work, a free lunch, all the bottled water he could drink plus 1000 Baht (about $30), Jim has made his debut in Japanese film.

The next day, Trudi and I went back to the GH and spent the day swimming, reading, talking, having lunch and just generally enjoying the peace and quiet of the birds in the countryside.

And this, just in, is the promotional video at SuanDokMai. Several shots of Jim and me are near the end.