Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Shattered Glass

See this lovely wine glass? A few days ago I had two of them. And then *poof* gone! The two glasses were part of a wedding gift to Jim and me 16 years ago from friends Joyce and John. They are only used on special occasions like our anniversary; I had brought them out when Joyce and John were here for dinner a few nights ago.

While eating dinner, one glass which was about half-filled with wine spontaneously exploded during dinner. It spewed tiny shards of shattered glass within 4-5 feet - in only one direction - and wine (of course, it had to be red) flew 5-6 feet away in the same direction - onto the carpet, on top of my desk, laptop, and manuscript I was working on. I've never seen anything like it. Quick-thinking Joyce poured a bottle of seltzer on the rug which helped keep the wine from staining. The only real loss was the one glass. :-(

I immediately googled exploded + glass so I could find out what kind of atmospheric, sonic or other conditions might have caused this. I found that there are several websites devoted to people reporting this phenomenon. For those of you that I saw online who are attempting to explain this, geographically or otherwise, this incident took place happened in southern Maine in March, at close to sea level, with normal temperatures inside the house and 40s outside. Wine at room temperature had been in the glass for an hour or two.