Monday, November 19, 2007

Reuse Recycle

I brought along to read on the plane some unread New Yorkers and local newspapers. I found this story in the Cape Courier. It was submitted by Pat Anderson who works at Cape Recycling & Transfer Station. Scary stuff.

Did you know...

...that Americans throw out enough wood and paper every year to heat five millions homes for 200 years?
...that 65% of an average garden bag is filled with materials that could be either composted (about 45%) or recycled (about 20%)?
...One baby wears about 8000 diapers which can last centuries in a landfill?
...In Maine alone, shoppers use about seven million plastic bags every week?
...recycling one aluminum saves about one cup of gasoline?
...every year Americans create more than 200 million tons of garbage?
...recycling a three-foot high stack of newspapers could save one tree?
...making recycled paper instead of new paper uses 64% less energy and 58% less water?
...there are enough steel wire hangars in U.S. landfills each year to make about 60,000 cars?